Become a member of MEPA
Thank you for your interest in joining the Middle East Psychological Association. This association has mandated a policy of inclusion based on competency (a combination of verified education and validated experience). We look forward as a group to working together to positively impact the practice and profession of psychology in the Middle East.
Full Member:
Possess a minimum graduate degree (MS/MA) or its equivalent* in any area of Mental Health, from a recognized institution of higher education.
*If a Master’s is not attained, a BA or BSc in the field of psychology or counseling can be accepted together with a demonstrated clinical competency of a minimal 5 years related work experience, and a letter of reference from a practicing, licensed or registered psychologist or qualified clinical supervisor.
Members are entitled to the following rights and privileges:
(a) To vote and serve as a MEPA Board Officer, Committee, or Committee Chair.
(b) To initiate committees, divisions, chapters, and events in coordination with board.
(c) To receive MEPA publications.
(d) To be included in the MEPA directory of psychologists published on its website.
(e) To have access to promote job opportunities, research opportunities and scholarships, as well as conferences, events, training, etc. in the Middle East among MEPA’s database.
(f) To receive free or discounted attendance dues for MEPA programs and events.
(g) To receive formal documentation of the individual’s Full Member status if requested.
Membership annual dues: USD $80.
Associate/Affiliated Member:
To qualify as an affiliate member, individuals must possess an interest in mental health topics. Professionals in complementary disciplines are welcome to become associate members of MEPA. Associates are non-voting members
Members are entitled to the following rights and privileges:
(a) Access to e-mailing list regarding job opportunities, research opportunities, and scholarships.
(b) Access to e-mailing list regarding conferences, training, events, etc. in the Middle East.
(c) To receive MEPA publications.
(d) To receive free or discounted attendance dues for MEPA programs and events.
(e) To receive formal documentation of the individual’s Associate/Affiliate Member status if requested.
(f) Associate/Affiliate Members shall not be entitled to hold office or serve as Chairs of
Committees of the organization.
(g) Opportunity to network and be involved with professionals and academics in the field of psychology in the Middle East.
Membership annual dues: $50.
To qualify as a Student member of MEPA, an individual shall be enrolled in a program or school of recognized standing in the area of psychology, social work, counseling, mental health, or marriage and family therapy. Students are non-voting members.
A Student member shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges:
(a) Access to e-mailing list regarding job opportunities, research opportunities, and scholarships.
(b) Access to e-mailing list regarding conferences, training, etc. in the Middle East.
(c) To receive MEPA publications.
(d) To receive free or discounted attendance dues for MEPA programs and events.
(e)To receive formal documentation of the individual’s Student Member status if requested.
(f) Opportunity to network and be involved with professionals and academics in the field of psychology in the Middle East
(g) Student members shall not be entitled to hold office or serve as Chairs of
Committees of the organization.
Membership annual dues: USD $50 per year.
Application and Renewal |